The Foundation Studies courses are immensely popular. Students learn literacy and numeracy but in areas that are directly relevant to their life and faith.
These are literacy and numeracy courses. They are basic reading and writing courses in English with the Bible as the main text. They also include practical everyday numeracy such as understanding money and doing basic sums.
Students can start at preliminary level or advanced level. They are highly motivated to learn literacy in English because they want to learn how to read the Bible and also to go on to study in the Certificate III in Theology. Students use a class set of iPads to learn basic computer concepts and skills such as typing and email, as well as use educational applications designed to assist in literacy and numeracy learning. Students also use Google Earth where even if their communities are not listed, they can follow the roads until they can locate their communities. iPads are increasingly becoming available in communities and have proved to be much easier for students to use than desktop computers.
When students come to the college, they will be assessed to decide which Foundation Studies course is best for them. They will study at the college for a 4 week intensive. When they finish their intensive they will be given homework and assessments to do in their community.
There are no fees for this course. Travel, accommodation and stationery are provided. It is suggested that most students begin their study at Nungalinya College with this course.