God’s ways bring life! As we study God's Word, we will deepen our desire to bring about God's purposes in the world. On the Bible School for the Nations you will study the Bible chronologically, gain tools for lifelong study, develop a Biblical worldview and get equipped to communicate truth. While learning tools to interactively study the Bible, you will understand it in the context of its history, culture and literary styles. You will gain an overall view of the Bible as you study it with a focus on personal and societal application. This adds strength and scope to your foundation for future ministry - however God would call you.
International speakers will challenge and inspire you with a wealth of experience and knowledge about missions and the Bible. You develop skills to appropriately approach and study difficult passages, as well as prepare and deliver topical, textual and inspirational messages from the Bible. Additionally, there is an emphasis on “storying” and “orality” as you construct a Biblical timeline of key events and people in the Bible. Meditation on and memorisation of scripture have a powerful transforming and edifying impact on the mind, body, and soul. A weekly segment of our lecture phase is devoted to planting large portions of scripture in our minds and hearts.
On outreach, you strategically implement what you’ve learned during your lecture phase. You will help impact and disciple communities by providing culturally relevant and strategic Bible training to those who will influence others. During our two-month outreach, we facilitate a BELT Seminar (Biblical Education and Leadership Training) for 2-3 weeks. This is a unique and rewarding opportunity to teach, train, and work closely with pastors and community leaders from various denominations and locations. As essential elements of outreach, you and your team will also engage in regular prayer, intercession, worship, evangelism and address other needs of the community.
Our outreaches have focussed long-term investment. Many of the current BSN and BELT initiatives in the nations were born out of YWAM Perth. As a result, we have the privilege of partnering with long-term, strategic vision and initiatives to see the Bible transform the nations of Southeast Asia and East Africa. And there is much to learn as you work with experienced international and local missionaries in the field.
With great need in the West as well as developing nations, the BSN outreach provides a unique opportunity to partner with God in ministering in Western Australia, in addition to our international component. Although BELT was begun by reaching and training leaders in developing nations, there are also many large cities where church leaders do not have access to solid Biblical training. With this in mind, BSN outreaches also strategically engage cities where a Megacities initiative is focussed. What a privilege to see God’s Word and God’s ways transform communities!
Completion of a Discipleship Training School
Refer to YWAM webpage for current costs and dates.