03 8814 4444
Pioneers passionately helps those who know Jesus to serve those who don’t. We are sharing the gospel, all over the world, with those who have the least access to it.
Pioneers mobilises teams to glorify God among unreached peoples by initiating church planting movements in partnership with local churches.
We live in a world of diverse peoples and cultures. At Pioneers, we believe that God has also given each of us unique set of skills, passions and personalities that we can use to communicate the gospel. The way we go about sharing can be simple, innovating and creative. But always, for the sake of God's glory among the nations. Therefore, we love to take time to hear your story and help you find a fit based on how God is guiding your next steps.
Our passion is to glorify God throughout the nations of the world, through obedience to the Bible and by living and proclaiming the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. It is an act of worship to actively participate in some way in the Great Commission.
Some cultures in the world have no neighbours who can tell them about Jesus Christ. Our hope is to share God’s love with those people in places where the gospel is yet to be effectively proclaimed.
We are committed to helping people know and follow Jesus. And to the process of empowering and equipping those believers to become disciple makers of others – bodies of believers that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, are intentional about planting other churches.
We don’t do lone rangers. We accomplish our mission through God’s people mobilised from around the world. Our entire ethos and structure rests on the strength, growth, creativity, diversity and cohesiveness of our teams.
International teams illustrate to the unreached that what we offer is Christ—not culture. We affirm that God’s grace operates uniquely in the lives of all believers. In all our relationships we endeavour to cultivate an atmosphere of mutual acceptance and respect which encourages each of us to attain our full potential in Christ.
The mandate for mission has everything to do with the church. So our work today has everything to do with the local church, from the beginning of the sending process to church-based movements around the world.
We empower our members through a decentralised structure that emphasises team-based servant leadership and an interactive approach to decision-making, based on mutual trust and accountability.
The message of God’s love in Jesus Christ is timeless. And there are a thousand ways to make that message known. We encourage men and women to use their gifts, skills and personalities to communicate the gospel for the sake of precious people everywhere.
Every journey starts with the first step, but God does not expect you to begin on your own. We’re keen to help by walking with you, encouraging, supporting and praying with you, as you seek his will for your part in cross-cultural missions. Whether you already have a heart for a people or a place, or if you have no idea where to start, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us at info@pioneers.org.au.