This is a general hospital serving the surrounding communities. Average daily in-patient numbers range from 60-70 and outpatients around 130. Main medical activities include general medicine and surgery orthopaedics paediatrics and maternity. An Emergency Room is open all hours. There are associated programs a nursing school mental health work and community-based rehabilitation.
We need a primary school teacher. The successful candidate will be responsible for establishing a new tutorial group.. With the existence of a tutorial group there is the possibility of more families coming to serve at the hospital in the coming years. The sending organisation has had such tutorial groups for many years. They support expatriate appointees working in their programs. There has not been such a group in this location for many years.
The Tutorial Group teacher will teach in English. Qualified primary school teachers are welcome. A Masters qualification is also required to qualify for a visa and work permit.
Interserve is committed to safeguarding and promoting the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children.
*Australian citizens and/or residents only
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