We are a pioneering church plant in a university district with lots of students and young families. We aim to encourage people towards a personal, living relationship with Jesus through sharing our lives and telling them about Him. We are making friends and building a good reputation in the neighbourhood. We have many opportunities through the Spaniards' desire to improve their English. We have an embryonic church, The Bridge, which meets weekly, bilingually in Spanish and English. But we have a strong desire for more like-minded people to join the team.
The area of Castellón situated on the east coast of Spain and has had a number of ECM teams involved in church planting. The vision is to expand this to neighbouring villages and towns. This pioneering work in the University district of Castellón started in January 2014. We currently have:
- Weekly informal bilingual “services”
- Fortnightly small discipleship groups in Spanish or English
- Monthly times of prayer
- Regular social events mixing students (Spanish and Internationals) with The Bridge
- Opportunities for Spaniards to improve their English (or other languages) with members of The Bridge
We would love more Christians to join us to expand our social networks to introduce more people to Jesus.
You have the ability to work as a pioneer, being flexible and outward-looking. You have completed a suitable theological education and can work in trans-cultural teams. You have a multicultural and open mindset, which enables you to relate to a great variety of people and not be tied to traditions with respect to the 'church' or a building. You are focused on building relationships and friendships. You are open to using the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You speak Spanish or are willing to learn to speak the language. You are currently an active member of your church.
We're looking for team members to come and join us for one year or longer.
*Australian citizens and/or residents only