We wish to build a team based on a working partnership with the GBU team in Coimbra, which would, together with local churches be involved in evangelism and church planting, along with the focus on student ministries.
Description Coimbra, situated in centre of Portugal, is a real student city. Founded in 1290, Coimbra University is one of the oldest universities in Europe and the city continues to have a vibrant student culture centred around the University. There are a number of small but good evangelical churches, and our vision is to establish links with a view to partnering in fresh church planting initiatives. An experienced ECM couple has relocated to the city of Coimbra. They are involved in student ministry with GBU (Grupo Biblico Universitario). We wish to build a team based on this working partnership with the GBU team in Coimbra, which would, together with local churches be involved in evangelism and church planting, along with the focus on student ministries. We are looking for team members.
Qualities You are able to work well in a pioneer situation. You relate easily to people in general and students in particular, you are spontaneous and approachable. You have been a student yourself and speak the language of students. Furthermore you speak Portuguese or you are willing to learn the language and the culture well. You are an active member of your church.
Duration 5 years or more
*Australian citizens and/or residents only