The Unfinished Story provides an exciting overview of the mission of God from Genesis, through the gospels and more than two thousand years of the world Christian movement to our world today.
This course is designed to inspire, educate and challenge God’s people in our time, to engage with God in what is arguably the generation that offers the potential for the greatest harvest ever! The Unfinished story will help form a Biblical worldview that sees our participation with God in mission as both an exciting adventure and, even more importantly, what it means to be a true follower of Jesus!
Format and Content
This course is designed to be conducted in a small group setting within a local church as a standard part of a local church’s discipleship program. The recommended format is one night a week for four weeks. Each session goes for about one hour and 45 minutes.
The Unfinished Story uses a variety of learning methods and interactive activities, such as :
- Inspirational teaching videos covering the biblical, historical, strategic and cultural areas of mission concern in a way that makes mission easily understood.
- Supplementary videos complement and reinforce the teaching and other activities in each session.
- Prayer for the least reached peoples, both globally as well as those living in our own cities and communities.
- Stimulating interactive group discussions where each participant shares what the Lord is saying to them personally through the material in each session.