Missions Interlink Darwin Indigenous Network
Missions Interlink Darwin Indigenous Network connects local Christians from different backgrounds who serve God alongside Indigenous people in Darwin and surrounds. MIDIN meets every month to pray and talk together. Anyone can come to monthly MIDIN meetings to:
· share stories about what God is doing,
· learn from others about good ways to work,
· find out about helpful resources, churches and agencies,
· talk about any worries, problems or gaps,
· bring and share food and fellowship.
MIDIN invites Indigenous Christians to come, share and lead.
MIDIN will work hard to include Christians who are using languages other than English.
Friday, 23 May 2025
6pm (Darwin time) onwards
Free registration.
Bring plate of food to share.
Registration ends on the day of the event.
Salvation Army NT (Cnr Lee Point Road)
3 Yanyula Dr, Anula NT 0812
Kim Hawke (Salvation Army)
Rosemary & Derek Snibson
Hannah or Geoff Harper
or e-mail Rachel Borneman at nt@missionsinterlink.org.au or text message on 0412998594
3 Yanyula Dr, Moil NT
Missions Interlink Darwin Indigenous Network
Missions Interlink Darwin Indigenous Network connects local Christians from different backgrounds who serve God alongside Indigenous people in Darwin and surrounds. MIDIN meets every month to pray and talk together. Anyone can come to monthly MIDIN meetings to:
· share stories about what God is doing,
· learn from others about good ways to work,
· find out about helpful resources, churches and agencies,
· talk about any worries, problems or gaps,
· bring and share food and fellowship.
MIDIN invites Indigenous Christians to come, share and lead.
MIDIN will work hard to include Christians who are using languages other than English.
Friday, 23 May 2025
6pm (Darwin time) onwards
Free registration.
Bring plate of food to share.
Registration ends on the day of the event.
Salvation Army NT (Cnr Lee Point Road)
3 Yanyula Dr, Anula NT 0812
Kim Hawke (Salvation Army)
Rosemary & Derek Snibson
Hannah or Geoff Harper
or e-mail Rachel Borneman at nt@missionsinterlink.org.au or text message on 0412998594