If you are part of a church that is actively engaged in cross-cultural mission you have come to the right place. Mission Seek will help you to identify and encourage others (or be challenged yourself!) to seek out suitable mission opportunities, mission trips, organisations and training colleges.
Set up alerts to keep abreast of new listings and events.
Encourage those interested in cross-cultural mission to check out the opportunities, organisations and training courses, and create a profile on Mission Seek.
Check out the Missions Interlink Guides for Local Churches.
Your church would need to apply to join Missions Interlink before it could register. There is a small annual fee for a local church to join Missions Interlink as an Associate. Only approved Missions Interlink Member and Associate organisations can post opportunities on Mission Seek.
For more details refer to: Missions Interlink Membership or email the office.
The cost of a Basic Mission Seek Partnership is included in the annual fee for Missions Interlink Associates.